We have openings for EXPERIENCED, skilled Finish carpenters who are honest, dependable and have a good work ethic.
Candidate must work clean, be organized, and be a team player. Must also have a desire to produce high quality work and take pride in the work done. Candidate should be able to use critical thinking and creative thinking skills as well as time management and crew leadership skills to be able to finish assignments in the allotted time frames.
Applicants will need to be able to - or be able to quickly grasp how to - install windows, siding fascia and soffit. Our company specializes in rebuilding wooden window sills and sashes on site. This involves visualizing and making complicated cuts with the table saw etc. If you find this daunting, do not apply.
As our jobs take us all over Wichita and the surrounding towns, applicants need to possess a clean and valid driver's license and be able to pass random drug and alcohol screenings.
A clean cut, professional appearance is also REQUIRED. Uniform hats and shirts will be provided.
Our workday starts at 8 am in Newton Kansas and ends when the days assignments are done. We work Mondays through Fridays with occasional Saturdays required if reschedules or weather forces it. We are a customer focused business with a very tight work schedule. When customers frequently spend weeks waiting for their scheduled appointment, rescheduling for anything less than bad weather is bad for business. Absenteeism and tardiness can not be tolerated. If this is a problem for you, please do not apply.
Send us your resume here through Indeed.com, or email it to us directly at aaawindowrepair@yahoo.com If we like what we see you will be contacted with an invitation up to fill out a proper application and speak with one of our managers.
Pay will be based on the ability to do the job, and the quality of work produced.
Starting pay is dependent on experience with skills being evaluated for a trial and training period. After that, if you are skilled enough to become a crew lead, (Head carpenter with a helper assigned to you) pay increases commensurately.
Salary: D.O.E.
you are frequently sick,
you have a tendency to oversleep,
you have court often,
you do not have a babysitter every day,
you do not have transportation to work every day,
you experience flat tires every week,
you have to hold on to a cell phone every minute of the day,
or if you cannot take instruction or criticism.
Must be able to talk and work at the same time.
Must also remember to come back to work after lunch.
Should not expect to receive gold stars for being on time.
IF YOU QUALIFY, please send us your resume via Indeed, and if we are interested we will contact you to ask you to come in and fill out the application.
Thank you
Job Type: Full-time
Starting Pay : 16 to 19.00 per hour. Pay increases based upon skill and performance.
COVID-19 considerations:
Crews are issued masks, and hand sanitizer is available. We encourage as little contact between crews and customers as possible.